The education system pisses me off. What is the point of English? You know, I love thesubject... I'm a fairly good english student... but it should not be compulsory, ESPECIALLY with all the ridiculous things you have to study. Like sanchy said... when in life are you going to need to analyse poetry? Will a terrorist hold a gun to your head and say he'll kill you if you don't write an appreciation of a piece of prose? I DON'T THINK SO. If the subject english were more a subject about just making you feelings, and what you are trying to say much clearer, and how to communicate effectively, etc etc, it'd be fine. But so many people who are not strong english students are forced to do all this useless "symbolism" analysis, because english is compulsory. What happens then? They get a bad study score on english, resulting in a less good ENTER score. Friggen hell! So many people just want to help others, and they can't because they fail english! It's ridiculous! Like on the news today, they were saying Victoria was having a doctor shortage... and I was like "Well maybe you need to let more people in to uni's who actually WANT to be doctors!" Serisouly! Who is going to care if you can't explain the imagery in Blake's poems? I don't think that's exactly important when you're TRYING TO SAVE SOMEONE'S LIFE. Fuck. Like, there's so many people I know who are dead keen to be doctors, and have a fantastic bedside manner, and are great at remembering all the technical things (such as surgery techniques and facts on diagnosis), but they will never be doctors, because university's won't take them. IT'S FUCKING RIDICULOUS. So the government can shove it's "doctor shortage" up it's ass. There's fucking thousands of people who would gladly be doctors, but because they can't live up to a 99.95 ENTER, (which is virtually impossible as it is... fuck, people can study for weeks on end, take all difficult subjects, and be super intelligent... just like my sister. And do you know what she got? 96.5 . So it wasn't enough to get her into Melbourne Uni med. I mean, fuck. That's a bloody AMAZING score... and yet, not good enough for Melb. uni. I'm just so glad she got into Monash Med... she's going to be an amazing doctor. And do you want to know what subject brought her score down the most? ENGLISH. ), which is pretty much due to losing marks on subjects they don't like or aren't good at. JESUS. These people WANT TO HELP, but CAN'T because of stupid laws that OUR GOVERNMENT PUTS ON US. CHIRST.
Yes, I think a basic grasp of language and communication is neccessary for doctors... so why doesn't the english class do that? Instead of analysing "Why an Orwellian Dystopian Society is Detrimental" or "What Sexual Imagery is used to great effect in 'Leda and the Swan'?", why can't english classes teach things that will be useful.
As I said before, I quite like analysing film and poetry and stuff, and I like the literature section of english. But it's ok for me, because that's what I'm good at, and that's what I like doing. That's the sort of things I'm interested in studying for uni, maybe even working with. So why should others have to do this, when they don't want to, don't need to, and can't?
FUCK. It just makes me so angry!
So screw you and your complaints, government, universitys, hospitals and schools. You've got a problem, but the problem has a RELATIVELY SIMPLE SOLUTION. So go solve it. Don't go whining to the media about it. WE KNOW. WE WANT TO HELP. But YOU won't let us.
*end rant*
Sorry. I had to get that out!!!
Now on a much happier note, I'd like to stop basking in my own shallowness, and do some congratulating.
FIRST, to all my homegirls who got leadership positions. I'm so proud of you guys. And I'm so sorry for any resentment I felt towards you. I suppose it was some kind of jealousy because I didn't get offered anything. But that doesn't matter, because you're all wonderful, beautiful, intelligent leaders of the future, and your all so deserving of your positions, and you're going to do an AMAZING job. I'm so happy for you guys!
and SECOND to all who got main parts in the musical. I know you guys worked your asses off and I'm really proud of all you too. You're all going to be so awesome, I'm actually just a teeny bit jealous that I don't get to sit in the audience and watch you. =D
<3 that said, all my love goes out. Let's face it... if it weren't for you guys, my friends, I would've probably killed myself years ago. I love you guys. Thanks for always being there. You've saved me.