I went shopping today. Man, I wish I was rich. So many people at my school are like "Ew, you shop at Target or Supre?" But I basicly do it cos I can't afford anything else. That's also why I make lots of shit too. That's why I'm a textile student, yah! So I wanted to buy like... EVERY SECOND ITEM. And I actually found some stuff which looks good on me. In the end I bought a $9 khaki top from clothesline, just cos it was cheap but still looked nice, a pair of brown pants ($30 from Glassons) because I'm just a bum that I basicly have only 2 pairs of pants that fit me at home, AND OMGWTFBBQ The most perfect skirt IN THE WORLD. It's black with green inserts inside the pleats, knee length, and JUST FITS ME AND SUITS ME PERFECTLY. Unfortunetly, I had about $10 on me and that was for lunch, and the skirt was $89 (marked down from $169. I know.) from Decjuba. Well I convinced mum that it was the most practical and perfect skirt in the world and she bought it for me... I couldn't believe it!
This week's been great (aside from having to do a year 12 maths SAC this morning, yeach, and receiving my school report this afternoon.... both not good). I've been like a tourist in my own city, I went to the William Rickits Sactuary, where this eccentric old man carved sculptures of aboriginals and animals in rocks and trees up in Mount Dandenong... there was also a video of Mr Rickits impersonating a lyrebird, very interesting! I spent a day in the city on Tuesday, and today I went shopping in Chaddy. For all those who don't know why I'm suddenly overcome by the tourism bug, it's because I'm having a german exchange student staying with me for the next 5-ish weeks. Tomorrow we're heading off on a trip down the Great Ocean Road, it'll be mad! I havn't been there since I was little more than a bump in my mum's stomach. I'll be back on Tuesday night everyone, but don't hesitate to call be on my mobile (it's the number I was using in germany still, but the other mobile phone still works... just my mum has it *g* ).
Oh MY GOD This show is just too creepy for WORDS, and yet I LOVE IT SO MUCH. This is tv. When Dream-Boone was all like "Theresa falls up the stairs. Theresa falls down the stairs." ...I swear, tv has never creeped me out his much since Conversations with Dead People on Buffy. I reeeeeally don't want Boone to die. Sure, he's a bit useless, but he's also pretty and he wuvs (and lurrrrrrves) his sister and he really means well! It sucks how he was hurt in the plane. But he would've been hurt even if he'd climbed out when Locke told him to. =( Awww, I'm sad now!
Good things about this episode... Nerdly!Sawyer being teased about the glasses. Aww! I'm in love. Jack and Kate and Sayid are such bullies to him. Stupid boring characters! They're so mean and gang up on him. They have nothing on him -he has personality, character developement, AND he's absolutely loverly to look at. Unlike Kate. Stupid Kate!
*mwah* Going to bed now, then off on... road-trip, road-trip, road-trip, road-trip, road-trip, ROAD-TRIP, road-trip, road-trip, road-trip, ROAD TRIP!!!
I totally say totally too much.