Я не стану стрелять!

Apr 05, 2018 21:49

"Бецелем" обращается к солдатам  с призывом не стрелять по  протестующим в Газе.
Ведение огня по невооруженным протестантам незаконно, и приказ произвести такие действия грубейшим образом нарушает закон.

Sorry Sir,
I cannot shoot.
Soldier, the command to use lethal force against civilians who do not pose mortal danger is patently illegal. Using lethal force is only allowed when an actual, immediate threat to human life exists, and when there is no other option.

The responsibility for issuing these unlawful orders rests first and foremost with the policy makers, including the prime minister, defense minister, and the chief of staff. Yet obeying to patently illegal orders is a criminal offense and you are
duty-bound to refuse to comply to them.

Простите, Сэр,
но я не буду стрелять!
Солдат,  приказ использовать смертоносную силу против гражданских лиц, не представляющих смертельной опасности, заведомо незаконен. Применение смертносной силы допускается исключительно в случае фактической и непосрдественной угрозы человеческой жизни и при отсуствии любого другого выбора.

Ответственность за отдачу таких незаконных приказов лежит прежде всего на лицах, определяющих политику, включая премьер-министра, министра обороны и начальника генерального штаба. Тем не менее, подчинение завдомо незаконным приказам является уголовным преступлением, и твой долг откзаться от их исполнения.--------------------------
Из пресс-релиза «Бецелем», 04 апреля 2018 года

В четверг (05.04.2018) «Бецелем» открывает кампанию под названием: «Простите, Сэр, но я не буду стрелять!».

«Бецелем»  подчеркивает, что незаконность таких приказов «не вопрос формы или ощутимости беззакония». Напротив, «несомненная и заведомая незаконность заключена в самой отдаче такого приказа, и командование несет ответственность за преступный характер определенных нем действий. Именно незаконность бросается в глаза и возмущает сердца, если глаза не ослепли, а сердца не зачерствели и не развращены».

B'Tselem urges soldiers to refuse to shoot protestors in Gaza: Shooting unarmed protestors is illegal, and a command to do so is a grossly illegal command

Tomorrow (Thursday) B'Tselem will launch a campaign entitled “Sorry, Sir,   I can't shoot”. The campaign will include newspaper advertisements clarifying to soldiers that they must refuse to open fire on unarmed demonstrators. The organization is taking this unusual step following last Friday’s events, when soldiers used live fire against unarmed demonstrators. Of at least 17 Palestinians killed that day, 12 were killed at the protests. Hundreds more were injured by live gunfire.

The military is preparing for the demonstrations, but instead of attempting to reduce the number of those killed or injured, official sources have announced in advance that soldiers will use live fire against demonstrators even if they are hundreds of meters from the fence. B'Tselem warned of the expected outcome of this policy and now, ahead of the expected demonstrations this Friday, it is again clarifying that shooting unarmed demonstrators is illegal and that orders to shoot in this manner are manifestly illegal.

The responsibility for issuing these unlawful orders and for their lethal consequences rests with the policy makers and - above all - with Israel’s prime minister, defense minister, and the chief of staff. They are also the ones who bear the obligation to change these regulations immediately, before this Friday’s planned protests, in order to forestall any further casualties. That said, it is also a criminal offense to obey patently illegal orders. Therefore, as long as soldiers in the field continue to receive orders to use live fire against unarmed civilians, they are duty-bound to refuse to comply.

B'Tselem wishes to emphasize that the illegality of such orders “is not a question of form, nor is it imperceptible, or partially imperceptible.” On the contrary, it is a case of “unmistakable illegality patently evident in the order itself, it is a command that bears a clearly criminal nature or that the actions it orders are of a clearly criminal nature. It is an illegality that pains the eye and outrages the heart, if the eye be not blind and the heart be not callous or corrupt.”

Contrary to the impression given by senior military officers and government ministers, the military is not permitted to act as it sees fit, nor can Israel determine on its own what is permissible and what is not when dealing with demonstrators. Like all other countries, Israel’s actions are subject to the provisions of international law and the restrictions they impose on the use of weapons, and specifically the use of live fire. The provisions limit its use to instances involving tangible and immediate mortal danger, and only in the absence of any other alternative. Israel cannot simply decide that it is not bound by these rules.

The use of live ammunition blatantly unlawful in the case of soldiers firing from a great distance at demonstrators located on the other side of the fence that separates Israel from the Gaza Strip. In addition, it is impermissible to order soldiers to fire live ammunition at individuals for approaching the fence, damaging it, or attempting to cross it. Obviously, the military is allowed to prevent such actions, and even to detain individuals attempting to carry them out, but firing live ammunition solely on these grounds is absolutely prohibited.

For additional information: Amit Gilutz, +972-54-6841126, amit@btselem.org

Our mailing address is
B'Tselem, The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories
P.O. Box 53132, Jerusalem 9153002


ЦАХАЛ, Бецелем, Военные преступления, Газа, Пресс-релиз, Сопротивление

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