Вануну - освобождение или только призрак?

Dec 19, 2013 18:13

После множества отсрочек и переносов даты последнее обращение Мордехая Вануну о предоставлении ему права покинуть Израиль должно быть заслушано Верховным судом в рождественские дни, и он, наконец,  через 27 лет сможет получить свободу.

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A message from the leaderTNT: Tell Nuclear Truths

Pledge to read the links and SHARE this pledge on Facebook

Posted By: TNT: Tell Nuclear Truths (campaign leader)

Please SIGN and SHARE This Petition to Israel and World Media before it closes for signatures on 24 December.

The Petition is and will continue to be TWEETED at Israel's politicians and World Media  HERE

After multiple delays and rescheduling by Israel, Vanunu's latest Appeal for his right to leave Israel is scheduled to be heard in Supreme Court on Christmas Day: DETAILS: HERE

Visit, LIKE and SHARE FREE Mordechai Vanunu at Facebook

In solidarity YES WE CAN HELP FREE VANUNU and lead leaders to Tell Nuclear Truths

Photo of Vanunu, June 2009 by Eileen Fleming



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