Слив "Аль-Джазиры" - переговоры, которые вела в 2008 году Ципи Ливни, и карты обмена территориями, представленные палестинской стороной.
http://transparency.aljazeera.net/files/2648.pdfОчень показательно. Становится очевидным, что основной проблемой являются не "безопасность" и не беженцы, а израильские поселения. Причем это признают обе стороны, участвующие в переговорах:
Both of us agree that the settlement enterprise has a very negative effect and that
the evacuation of settlements is for the good of both sides. Settlements confiscate
large areas of Palestinian land, deprive Palestinians of many development spheres,
impede communication and destroy Palestinian economy. Settlements were meant
to artificially change the demographic structure and change realities on the
ground, as well as to ensure that no viable Palestinian state would evolve. Now
that you have accepted the idea of a Palestinian state, such a state must be
geographically contiguous, viable and sovereign. But in order to make this a
reality, the Israeli settlements must be evacuated. The issue is not whether
evacuation should take place, but which settlements should be removed in order
to be able to implement the two-state solution. Unlike the Palestinian state, the
removal of settlements will not affect the viability of the state of Israel or its
contiguity or security. Besides, if any of the settlers wish to live under Palestinian
sovereignty, they have to be subject to the Palestinian law.
Основными пунктами, в которые все уперлось, стали Маале-Адумим и Ариэль.
Палестинская сторона согласилась, чтобы евреи, желающие этого, остались жить на своих местах в качестве граждан палестинского государства. Израильская сторона сомневается:
Saeb: Can you imagine that you accept for the sake of peace to have Jews as citizens
with full rights in Palestine like Arab Israelis?
Livni: But how can I provide Israelis living in Palestine with security?
Saeb: Can you imagine that I have changed my DNA and accepted a situation in which
Jews become citizens having the rights that I and my wife have. Can you imagine that
this will happen one day?
Dekel: I do not have such fancy.
Livni: I have to think about this. I do not know. You have proposed something, but I
believe we have to be creative. My problem is that of security. Some said to me that there
would be violence among my people if I evacuated them, but the pressure will be less if I
give the right to choose. I cannot bear the responsibility of their life in case they are
exposed to danger and then the army will have to interfere. It is a legitimate question but
we need to think about it.
Dekel: What is missing here is Ma’ale Adumim, Har Homa, separation between the
Jewish clusters in Jerusalem, Gush Itzyon, Giv’at Ze’ev, and Ariel.
Livni: What will you take for the Safe Passage?
Saeb: 5 square km, but if we use another track the area will be smaller.
Livni: If we suggested something else you would have stood up and shouted. You have
to understand the complexity of this issue. Perhaps you would appreciate their interests
more. In Ariel also some areas have to be annexed.
Samih: We have done our best to include the largest number of settlers.
Livni: I want to say that we do not like this suggestion because it does not meet our
demands, and probably it was not easy for you to think about it but I really appreciate it. I
think we have a reason to continue.