*plus don't interrupt the flow of traffic!!!

Apr 03, 2007 17:09

DPS: OK to pick bluebonnets -- but don't trespass


Associated Press

Recent rains in Texas have led to a lush show of bluebonnets.

The Department of Public Safety today answers the question that often comes up: is it legal to pick the lovely state flower -- the bluebonnet?

The answer is: yes.

But D-P-S says be sensible about it.

D-P-S reminds flower lovers not to trespass on private property.

Also, there are Texas laws against damaging or destroying rights-of-way and government property, plus don't interrupt the flow of traffic.

D-P-S offers this advice: "Pick a few flowers, but don't dig up clumps of them and don't drive your vehicle into the midst of them."

D-P-S spokesman Tom Vinger says leave some for everyone else to enjoy.
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