Crush Like Bug

Jun 16, 2005 20:02

So this might actually turn out to be a long entry, 'cos I'm waiting on a couple folks to finish... whatever the hell they're doing. I probably should have found that out first. But for the time being, I'm sitting in what you yankees would consider a slightly less corporate starbucks, called pacific coffee company.

Not because it's kindhearted and doesn't attempt to produce drones, but simply because it's not american and hence has not spread all over the world like a tricolor fungus. And has less then threethousandteen stores.

But it's the only place I can connect to the web. For about the last three weeks or so, I've had a bit of cash then usual. Which means I've been living a good life, good not in the sense of quality (although it's been awesome) but in the sense of actually having a bit a' spending money. Hence, I've been spending accordingly.

That's not to say extravagantly. But I spent the last ten days or so paying my rent, buying a couple week's worth of groceries, refilling my octupus card (a thing that lets you pay for all forms of public transport and goods at select shitholes such as 7-11 and mcdonalds, basically a cashcard), and buying up another couple hundred minutes of phone service.

All these expenses in such a short time have left me with very little capital, which I plan to blow on another tattoo saturday. But I've still got my place to live, a way to get round and some friends who probably wouldn't mind feeding me once in a few days.

So I'll survive, and I'm damn sure I'll be happy. If lightly emaciated.

I'll be leaving this city on the ninth of july. Prolly getting back to DC before the fifteenth.

Take care, you fucking hicks.
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