Dec 20, 2006 03:25
(11) “Do You Realize???”- Flaming Lips @ Lollapalooza: Of all the performances I saw that weekend, Wayne Coyne and company’s amazing circus of pure joy was by far my favorite… after being swept up in a sea of confetti, balloons, aliens, santas, sing-alongs, and anything else imaginable, the band counted off “1…2…3…4” on their final number as I looked up to the heavens and screamed along until my voice gave out. As the crowd dispersed from the stage and “What a Wonderful World” played on stage, I found that I couldn’t have agreed more.
(12) Watching “Lilo and Stitch”: Kim says this was the moment where she knew I was interested in her, as I selected cuddling with her and watching a Disney movie over going out and getting wasted with Tom. I say it seemed smarter to say inside than go out in the wet and cold that night, and she was lucky the weather played in her favor, or things may have turned out differently :-P
(13) “Rock and Roll Evacuation”- Electric Six @ Temple Club: Alas, it was the last show I’ll ever see at the now defunct venue, but it was absolutely insane. I actually had to step back and take a breather during the performance of the iconic “Danger! High Voltage”, but I was firing on all cylinders for this one, jumping and pumping my fist in the air with the masses while bellowing “Mr. President I don’t like you… YOU DON’T KNOW HOW TO ROCK!”… classic
(14) The Beach At Pentwater: For the record, when Kim confessed to me while staring at the stars that she danced around her room to Billy Bragg’s “A New England” when nobody else was around, I knew she was mine ;)
(15) “The Goat Show”: Let’s see… where do I start? The circling around East Lansing with Steve and Liz waiting to see it Kati needed a ride? Running into my best friend from kindergarten before the show started? Realizing midway through the opening act that Steve was standing almost elbow to elbow with John Darnielle as he spastically rocked out? Spending the last half of the set standing outside of an ambulance that was blocking the minivan of said opening act? Telling Mr. Darnielle how much he rocked on his way off the stage? Driving for a good mile or so on the wrong side of the street as we left Kalamazoo? Yeah… a ridiculous trip for an amazing concert.
(16) “Reservations”- Wilco @ The Aud: Never in a million years did I think Jeff Tweedy was going to play this one at MSU that night, as its not exactly a great concert rocker. Nonetheless, as the stage turned over to a soft purple glow and I had that moment of recognition in the opening bars, I felt Kim move in and put her head on my shoulder, knowing exactly what the song meant to me. As I put my arm around her, I smiled, closed my eyes, and found I could almost forgive the band for making me endure “Impossible Germany” for a second time
(17) The Homily at my Grandpa’s Funeral: Admittedly, this is an odd choice for “top” moments of my year. I went into my grandpa’s memorial service not quite knowing what to think or feel, and as the funeral home hired priest began rattling off scripture, part of me just wanted to walk out. Then, the priest stepped out from behind the pulpit, and speaking directly to the family seated in the first two rows, began with “As a young man in his twenties, I had the misfortune of attending more funerals for my loved ones than most, and I remember absolutely hating every single priest that presided over them…” It was one of those moments that makes you stop dead in your tracks and sends chills down your spine. I’m not generally one to say I felt the presence of God in a place, but as the priest continued to give a warm, heartfelt memorial to a man he’d never met yet seemed to understand almost perfectly, there was definitely something special going on.
(18) Church Service @ Cass Community: After a terrific work retreat weekend, I got to experience an amazing service on Sunday morning with great music (provided in part by Mr. John Gore jamming on his trumpet), an energetic preacher, and seated in between my younger brother and girlfriend to boot. Really, can a guy ask for much more?
(19) UPMUNC: So some of you may not know this, but I’ve had a run of bad luck with Model UN conferences since I started doing them in college. Both times I went to McMUN were marked by some inexplicably bizarre event that managed to turn the weekend upside down to a certain extent. The “curse” was lifted, I think with UPMUNC, as it was the first conference where I paid attention in committee, actually attempted to get things done (or at least do as much as Slovakia in the Security Council can do), and managed to enjoy myself. Here’s hoping I’ll make it two in a row with McMUN 07.
(20) Election Day: Sure, I could’ve gone to see The Decemberists, celebrated in a more collegiate manner with Tom, or gone to the VIP bash for the Gov in Detroit, but four long years after the crushing feeling of waking up in DC after the 2002 midterms, I was content to stand in that bar in Mt. Clemens with my dad, starting in awe at the television screens and saying over and over again “It’s really going to happen, isn’t it?”… oh, and seeing David Bonior on our way back to the car that night was pretty great too.
(21) My 21st Birthday: Okay, this is sort of cheating, as my actual party didn’t take place until I was 24 hours into year 22, but this list couldn’t be capped off any other way. While Mike and Lauren taking me to the bar at midnight to enjoying lunch with Kim and my parents were terrific, it really all came down to the long promised party in Tom’s room, attended by more people than I’d ever thought would show, and ending with my head firmly planted on Kim’s shoulder repeating “Jeffy made poor life decisions tonight, hon… please don’t judge me” over and over again. I can’t say I’m entirely proud of it, but in my defense (a) you only turn 21 once (b) I didn’t risk my life (consumption of LeffJakins aside), and (c) I wasn’t the drunkest guy in the room (thanks, Ben).
So there you have it-my 21st year, summed up as best I can. To each and every person who made it possible… if you remember being present for any of these, or even if you’ve just had to hear them retold umpteen times, a big thank you… it wouldn’t have been the same without you. Here’s to a 22nd year that’s every bit as amazing.