WORDS meme

Jul 05, 2009 08:21

Ganked from just about everyone, but it was fera_festiva who eventually gave me my words.

Meme rules: Reply to this meme by yelling - or typing - "Words!" and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your LJ and explain what they mean to you. Or explain in the comments. Or not at all. The choice is yours.

My words are:

I love pairings! All sorts of them...

I think I have two different approaches to the pairings I enjoy reading and writing.

The first is actively shipping -- that is, pairings that I want to be canon (regardless of whether they are or not), such as Jack/Ianto, Remus/Sirius, Doctor/Jack, and Sarah Jane/Jack (yes, most of them involve Jack -- he's fun to ship with people!). In these instances, I think it's a matter of having a crush, not so much on the individual characters (although I have that too) but on the way they work together.

But I'm also interested in pairings even though I don't particularly invested in them having canon status. Sometimes they will have canon status anyway (for instance, Doctor/Rose) and sometimes not -- and sometimes they will be pairings that I really would NOT like to become canon (for instance Jack/Gwen), but I'm still really interested in the dynamic between the characters, and in exploring the implications of a romantic/sexual relationship between the two of them. So that's why I've written pairings like Ten/Martha, Ianto/John, etc. It's a matter of exploring Character A in relation to Character B (and vice versa).

Also, I'm beginning more and more lately to enjoy threesome dynamics -- I haven't written any yet, but I've become rather interested in Jack/Nine/Rose and Jack/Gwen/Ianto lately.

Is one of those things that we're never happy with. It either goes too quickly or too slowly. I think I'm more fascinated by the past than by the future -- the future scares me, because we might see how badly we've fucked things up, but I'd love to see the past, to get a sense of how things really were and how the narratives of history have distorted everything. I'd love to know more about the women who have been written out of the history books, and to have a chat with common people who got caught up in big events.

Dreams are great! I'll often go through periods where I'll have very vivid highly memorable dreams, although for all of that. I hate being woken up in the middle of a dream -- if that happens, I'll feel out of it all day, as though there's something unfinished. I've never kept a dream diary, but on some occaisions I have recorded my dreams in writing after the fact -- sometimes I'll come across them years later, and suddenly remember a dream that I thought I had forgotten.

I still remember one dream I had when I was twelve that involved a black haired boy jumping on the backs of a bunch of plasticine dinosaurs. I was not on drugs.

Oh, god, do I really talk about the weather that much? :P

I am a warm weather person. I prefer stinking hot to cold of any variety (cold= anything under 18 degrees celcius), though my preference is for temperatures in the mid-20s, with a light breeze. The only time cold is fun is when there is snow (obvs. this is an opinion of someone who has only seen snow a couple of times in her life, not someone who has had to live with the stuff).

I feel vaguely guilty that I prefer sunshine to rain, since we're all supposed to be about avoiding drought and stuff, but I am happier when it's sunny. My favourite time of year is around the summer solstice, and one day I'd love to go and see the midnight sun.

I guess some people would say that I'm not very adventurous because I don't enjoy thrill-seeking stuff -- I'm never going to be one to jump out of an aeroplane or go bungee jumping -- but I think my main form of adventure is travelling -- seeing new places, historical sites. When I'm travelling, I don't even mind if it's cold! I like going on long walks to get a feel for a place, especially if it's possible to get out to a remote area -- I'm not always fit enough to achieve this, but places like New Zealand are very good for this sort of stuff. Even if you can't get out into the really remote places, it's quite easy to get away from other tourists and really feel like you're exploring the place on your own terms.


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