Title: Displaced Neuromuscular Facilitation
lefaymFandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Pairing(s): Ten II/Rose (implied Jack/Hand)
Summary: The Doctor has some unexpected new abilities...
Rating: R, for sexytiems.
Disclaimer: RTD and the BBC own everything.
Spoilers/Warnings: Spoilers for Journey's End. Cracky, smutty fluff.
Word Count: 150 words exactly.
Displaced Neuromuscular Facilitation
Rose felt her knees tremble as she came, and she leaned against the Doctor-her new, human Doctor-as he removed his right hand from her trousers.
“Where,” she asked, “did you learn to do that?”
The Doctor raised his hand and grinned. “Displaced neuromuscular facilitation.”
“Displaced what?”
“Muscle memory.”
“But how-”
“Well, this hand did live with Captain Jack for over a year.”
“You mean Jack-and your hand-”
“Combine that with a little first-hand knowledge from Donna, and-” the Doctor wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
Rose considered him for a moment. “So... what else can this amazing hand of yours do?”
“I’m not completely sure. The hand knows things that are totally new to me.”
“In that case,” said Rose, a smile playing at her lips, “I think we’ll have to run some tests. For science. Catalogue all its capabilities. Extensively.”
“Oh yes,” the Doctor agreed.