Prop 8

Oct 18, 2008 22:47

In spite of the fact that I don't even live in the US, let alone California, I've been feeling terribly worried that Prop 8 will pass on Nov. 4. :( Australia is way behind most western countries on the equal marriage front, and I can't help but feel that if Prop 8 gets a yes, it's just going to give the bigots over here more steam-- because it will certainly delay equality in the US, and Australia follows the US in just about everything.

The idea of denying any consenting adults right to marry makes me-- well, depending on the day, either want to throw up or hit things. I mean, I don't believe in god, but I don't tell people who want to get married by swearing to a god that they shouldn't have the right to do so-- because I don't think I have the right to impose my beliefs on them. I can acknowledge, respect, and help them celebrate their marriage. Of course, I don't think it's "wrong" to believe in god either, if that's your thing-- I just think it's wrong to use my personal beliefs to restrict the civil liberties of others. This is not fucking difficult.

And yes, I know I'm preaching to the chior here (I mean seriously, if there somehow is anyone on my flist who does not support equal marriage, then GET THE FUCK OFF, okay?) but I just need to rant about it a little. I mean, I feel this way as a straight woman (with all associated privilege) who doesn't even want to get married. And I don't feel this way because I'm a good person or anything like that, it's just because it's COMMON FUCKING DECENCY.

equality, rant, bigots, civil rights, politics

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