Nov 19, 2011 19:21

I realised that it's been almost a month since I posted, I haven't yet caught up on posting (or indeed, editing) photos from the trip to the UK (been back over three weeks now), done a big major post about how completely awesome the trip was, particularly since I got to meet wonderful people like fera_festiva, youmademe_miss, verasteine, fiwen1010, laiglin, etmuse, and such_heights (and oh god, I hope I didn't forget anyone there). And I need to talk about how I'm actually really missing it over there in a surprisingly powerful way. And how I'm watching lots of River Cottage, which may be contributing to the whole "missing the UK" thing.

Oh, also, all my thesis stuff is officially over. I've handed in the final copies, and I have a shiny letter from my university telling me that I'm going to graduate next year. So I feel kind of stupid about my whole "I'M GOING TO FAIL" meltdown earlier this year, particularly since I've felt that way about every major project I've ever done (and most of the minor ones). But don't worry, my imposter syndrome is alive and well -- at the moment, I'm feeling scared to apply for jobs, because I know I'm good at faking being smart, and I might be so good at faking it that I win out over someone who deserves the job more than me. Oh, my non-sensical brain.

And since this is turning in to much more of a general update post than I originally anticipated, I'm currently very much enjoying Merlin S4. It has its problems of course, but in general my thoughts can be summed up like this: ♥ ♥ ♥

merlin, stuff, academia, travel, wangst

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