Wow, the response to
my offer of prints of NZ photos for the
help_nz has been amazing -- I'm really overwhelmed and flattered, and most of all happy, because it's already clear that this is going to raise way more money for Christchurch than I could afford to donate on my own.
However, because of the quick response, and because there will be five winners rather than just one, there has been some confusion as to how the bidding works, so I've posted some clarifications/simplifications
here. And I'm also going to put them under a cut here in this post.
1. It's probably too late now to contain all the bids to one thread, so we'll just leave things as they are. I may keep a tally of who has bid what on my LJ if it gets more confusing. It'd also be a good idea if you all track
my main offer post so you can keep tabs on what's happening.
2. If you would like multiple pictures: you only need to make one bid. If you end up being one of the winners, I will add second/third prints, etc, for additional donations of $15 per picture.
3. You do not have to choose your picture/s now. If you already know what you want, that's great, but you can leave a bid without specifying a picture.