Holiday Recs!

Dec 25, 2010 06:21

Are these recs Holiday themed? NO, THEY ARE NOT. They are simply coincidentally being posted on Christmas day. Yet, I shall still use them as an excuse to wish you all a Merry Christmas/Yule/Mid-summer-or-winter/December 25th-which-is-really-just-a-random-Saturday-for-you-and-it's-a-bugger-that-all-the-shops-are-closed-because-you-want-food.

Anyway: RECS!

The Wind on the Mountain by StarlingtheFool; Ariadne/Arthur/Eames, NC-17, 14,700 words.

For all that this fic is Ariadne/Arthur/Eames, it is primarily a character piece about Ariadne, and it's wonderful. Set after the film, Ariadne is still learning about dreams, she can still make mistakes, but she's not stupidly naive either. She's wonderful and strong, and in so many ways, Arthur and Eames are only present in this fic to advance her story -- when the opposite is so often true where female characters are concerned. Also, did I mention that there is some really hot sex? Well, there is some really hot sex.

The World Spins Madly On by pocky_slash; Gwen + Ianto, PG, 1700 words.

This fic, set post-CoE, is both heartbreaking and beautiful. Gwen is rebuilding Torchwood, and she draws strength from a memory recorded in a blue stone.

White Collar
From Copenhagen with Love by lionessvalenti; Kate/Alex, Neal/Kate, R, 10,300 words.

I suspect that a lot of people passed over this fic when it was first posted because it doesn't contain the most popular pairings in the fandom -- but I say to you now, DO NOT PASS THIS FIC OVER. In this fic, lionessvalenti takes a line from the episode "Front Man" and interprets it in a way that few would expect -- and yet, when you read it, it seems so obvious. This bit of backstory fits in perfectly with everything we've seen in canon, and the characterisation is beautiful too. The author takes characters who have been somewhat underdeveloped in canon -- in particular, Kate and Alex -- and makes them real people. The characterisation is perfectly in keeping with what we've seen in canon, but a hundred times richer. One thing I particularly like -- in this story, people don't always behave honourably, yet no-one is demonised. Because the characters are people, and because they are flawed, they do things that aren't that great -- but that doesn't make them evil.

torchwood, recs, inception, white collar

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