...the Steven Moffat version.
I really really enjoyed that, but...
...that plot was VERY similar to the Torchwood audiobook Into the Shadows by Joseph Lidster. (And in the Torchwood version, Ianto figured out the mystery way more quickly than Sherlock did. :P) But that's okay -- the Torchwood audio stole heaps from the Buffy episode "Anne", so it's all one big circle of appropriation really. :)
(Oh, and there was the whole Princess Bride bit too -- obviously both pills were poisoned, but the cabbie's meds gave him a resistence to the iocaine powder.)
Onto the really important things though -- I think I'm a little bit in love with Benedict Cumberbatch's voice. Can he read the dictionary to me, please? He's definitely a great Holmes -- he definitely feels more like ACD's Holmes than RDJ's did. (And I still loved RDJ's Holmes, don't get me wrong.)
As for the slashiness, well... I don't believe Moffat for a second when he says there's no interest there. ;) That was just as slashy as the original ACD stories -- which is to say, VERY.
Also -- hee! Mycroft! :D
So, all in all, I'm very satisfied.