First of all, thanks to everyone who sent me birthday wishes for yesterday (which is still today for some of you :)). I really appreciate each and every one -- I've tried to respond to everyone who posted on thier LJ about it, and if I missed yours, please direct me to it!
Secondly, to thank all of you for being essentially awesome, I bring recs, from many many fandoms. Hooray!
Baby-Sitters' Club
Kristy's Worst Fear by
tornyourdress (Kristy and Mary Anne, 1883 words, Teen).
Tornyourdress has captured the BSC voice that I remember from my childhood perfectly, even as she tackles issues that the series didn't dare touch (although it should have) -- in this instance, Kristy is nervous about coming out to Mary Anne, even though she has no trouble coming out to everyone else. It's a touching look at their relationship, and a rare moment of vulnerability for Kristy.
Sharing the Kishi Sky by
tornyourdress (Claudia and Janine Kishi, 2022 words, G Rated).
This is a wonderful, sensitive exploration of the troubled relationship between Claudia and Janine, set two years in the "future" (whenever that is in BSC-land). Told from Janine's second-person POV, this looks at what happens when Claudia visits Janine in college and discovers that Janine has been using certain aspects of their lives as inspiration for a creative writing project. I often felt that Janine was treated unfairly by the members of the BSC, and it was great to read this well-written piece that treats her sympathetically.
Doctor Who/Torchwood/SJA
Every Story Has a Start by
such_heights (Amy Pond, the Eleventh Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith, 966 words, G rated).
This vignette looks at Amy as she explores the TARDIS and reflects back on her life waiting for the Doctor. While it's a short piece, it really made me feel like I was inside Amy's head. Also, bonus Sarah Jane FTW!
Days that Were by
xtricks (Jack/Tish, 2826 words, Explicit).
This is an older fic that I became reacquainted with when the author re-posted it to AO3. After the Year That Never Was, Jack and Tish come together to celebrate life and survival. This is a wonderfully hopeful fic, and the sex is hot.
This is the Start by
pocky_slash [Crossover with White Collar] (Neal, Elizabeth, Peter[The Doctor], 2088 words, Rated PG).
Peter is the Doctor -- and the way
pocky_slash writes it, she will make you believe that it is TRUFAX. This fic is funny and enjoyable and basically the best thing ever.
Have You Seen Me Lately? by
chicleeblair (Jack/Gwen, 13,000 words, PG-13).
Several years after CoE, the Rift takes Jack back to Cardiff, where he finds Gwen in charge of her own new team. Things aren't easy between them, and they're both still grieving, but eventually they find their way towards each other. This fic is beautifully written, and I love the way that it deals with the difficult issue of processing grief. This is a fic that doesn't deny the value of the past, but it also helps us look towards the future.
An Indefinite Article by
lycoris (Merlin/Arthur, Modern AU, 13,000 words, R -- TRIGGER WARNING for homophobic language and depiction of mental health issues).
This is, quite simply, an amazing fic. The characterisation is spot on, which isn't always easy in an AU setting, and when I finished reading it, even though the fic itself deals with some fairly heavy subject matter involving internalised homophobia and self-loathing, I was left with that uplifting feeling you get when you know that you've read something truly special. I'd recommend this even to people who aren't familiar with the Merlin fandom.
The One Where Arthur is Turned into a Girl by
misswinterhill (Merlin/Arthur, 12,000 words, NC-17/Explicit).
This fic is a little more lighthearted, although it has its poignant moments.
misswinterhill manages to avoid the many fail!traps that authors so often fall into when writing genderswap fic -- in this one, Arthur is referred to as "he" throughout, even as he is forced to cope with the lack of agency he experiences in a woman's body (and learns not to be a misogynist prat at the same time). This is a lovely tale about loving the person, regardless of gender.
Sherlock Holmes
The Narrator by
candle_beck (Holmes/Watson, 9929 words, Rated R).
This is an amazing exploration of Watson as an unreliable narrator. In this story, told through a skillful use of second-person narration, we learn of Watson's "dark double", the real Watson who looks exactly like the Watson who narrates Doyle's stories, except that he's nothing like him at all. This is one of those stories that just makes me want to stop writing, because I know I could never do it this well.
Do No Harm by
ingridmatthews (Holmes/Watson, 2314 words, Mature).
I admit, I have a guilty guilty love for Woobie!Watson, and this fic presses all those buttons. Still trying to recover from the wounds he suffered in Afghanistan, Watson meets another doctor who is not at all helpful. Holmes, however, is able to help. The author does a great job of capturing the movie!verse voices, and I found this thoroughly enjoyable.
White Collar
Shelter by
hoosierbitch (Peter/El/Neal, 4,800 words, rated R).
This is my favourite post-S1 Finale White Collar fic -- it deals with the aftermath of "Out of the Box" beautifully -- the characterisation is perfect, and the build-up to the growing poly relationship between Peter, Elizabeth and Neal is spot-on. If we could see something like this on the show, I would be a VERY HAPPY FANGIRL. :D
Give us this Day by
sinead (Peter/El/Neal, 5185 words, Explicit).
To me, this fic feels exactly like the way the show would develop if the writers were actually allowed to develop a proper poly relationship on screen. Everything about it makes me happy.
You Don't Know My Name by
china_shop (Peter/Neal, 2,900 words, NC-17).
One thing I love about White Collar is that it's essentially a happy show, but this fic has a darker, more bittersweet edge to it, and I love that too. During Free Fall, when Neal is on the run and free of his anklet, he and Peter have the opportunity to come together (with El's blessing) in a way that they cannot do usually because of the restrictions placed upon both of them. A tiny bit heartbreaking, but not hopeless by any means. And extremely well written.