i'm halo the harpoon

Apr 27, 2006 20:56

America's energy crises... its difficult for me to talk now since I've sold my fuel-efficient car and have been driving around a gas guzzling suv from place to place for the past several months now, but gas is fucking out of control. I mean, in the short run, I'm paying about $10-$15 more for a fill-up but I suppose over the course of many fill-ups, that's a lot of money I wasn't spending before.

The only thing is that articles like this shock the fuck out of me. The efforts are trivial at best and basically useless. The thing that is the most ludicrous is the fact that these oil companies are raking in such record profits and little explanation seems to pacify the people that are fighting it. Its like the Medicare system in America. Or our electoral college. There's so much that seems so wrong these days and I feel like no one fights anymore.

As far as gas goes, I'm really, really glad that I'm moving to a city with public transport but I can't help but wonder how much more of a beating our economy and middle-America can take and I wonder what the long term effect will be on smaller companies (or even bigger companies that rely on transit). I wonder why the process to drive more hybrid vehicles and different means of technology is so slow getting to the masses. And I wonder why everything seems to be so devistating in our world lately and I wonder and wonder and wonder why we all fucking take it.

Outside of my frustration of the world (and perhaps in spite of it, today) I had the most frustrating latter half of work today... this guy I hired not only did not show up for his first shift with me, he also chose not to return my phone call. I don't know him at all, but I really hope he died in a horrible accident or something. I can handle people I know letting me down because I know them and I know that no one has a sense of personal accountability anymore, but I tend to have fait in people I don't know because I like to give you the benefit of the doubt. So when complete strangers fuck up, it gives me that much less hope in society as a whole.

After that, got a call from one of my Shift Supervisors, which I was expecting. She wants to transfer but quite simply for cop-out reasons. I'm fine with it, she can fucking go, I just don't want her replacement to be a fucking cad or fuckwit. I only have several more months at my store before I move, but I'd rather not want to poke my eyes out in that time.

To top that off, I was hellbent on firing someone today but didn't get to, and instead had a good 40 minutes of talking to this bitch like a goddamn child about what exactly disrespect to her peers looks like because she is apparently so out of touch with common decency that she quite simply doesn't know when she's been an absolute, insubordinate cunt to the rest of my staff. I am just WAITING for any small thing from her to document to get her out. The curse of my job is that when you're trapped in these frustrating situations, to actually fire someone right, you need very specific documentation (which I have plenty of), but it tends to be a lengthy process. I sometimes long for the authority to just tell them, "get the fuck out of my store. It takes a lot to cross me, but congrats, you got there somehow..."

Oh happy fucking day, let tomorrow be even two centimenters less frustrating and maybe I'll make it through it.
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