Fanfiction/Fictionpress "C***blocking"

Nov 15, 2010 02:44

A few of my guilty pleasures in the net is reading people's works in and The latter hasn't been visited in while. I keep finding same kind story there and I find it tiresome to trudge page after page for somthing decent. I cannot call myself a grammar nazi since I make mistakes occasionally and I tend to not care as long as it's comprehensible. Errors that are so obvious render the story unreadable. It's like trying to ignore a giant, pus-filled zit on a nose. When it is repetitively done in the following paragraphs or chapters, I press the escape key to save what's left of my IQ. The most common mistakes I see are: "Rouge" for "rogue", "collage" for "college", and/or mispellling a character's name (esp. fanfics which I find hilarious).
I do not know why an author puts the dreaded "POV" to indicate a different character's perspective. Worse, I find it in the middle of chapter. I wouldn't mind changing if it was done chapter by chapter since William Faulkner done it in (albeit it was confusing). All in all, the "*insert character's name*'s POV" is unnecessary.

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rant, grammar

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