Jul 11, 2008 17:41
I've got a pipe dream...I'd like to buy the hardware store in my "hometown" and move back up there to run it. I have a sister that would be able to help me out on the business end and a friend that would be able to help out with knowledge of a hardware so that'd be all set. What makes it a pipe dream? I'd never be able to afford it unless I won the lottery or some ailing relative decided to will me their large estate...lol I have always thought it would be neat to own some kind of store and in a small town like that it could be quite interesting too. I would condense the store down to be more like what it used to be and use the extra space for a community kitchen where people could come in and do their canning or cook/bake something they'd sell at a store or farmers market. It would be so fun and I love the idea of being able to help the people in the community like that. So if anyone finds it within themselves to fund my pipe dream just email me ;) I have decided to go ahead and write up a business plan anyway just so I can say that I've done it and it'll be something new for me. If anyone has any tips on writing a business plan I'm open to reading them!
What's your pipe dream? You know, that thing that you'd love to do but unless a miracle happened or you all of a sudden came into a massive amount of money it isn't likely to happen.