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May 27, 2005 21:16

well. i leave for india in 2 weeks and 2 days! i talked to jason on the phone yesterday, and it really helped me. i think the fact that we are spread out throughout the country makes it hard to still feel connected to each other and excited. Scott, Deanna, Nikki, Jason, Tim, and Nate all leave on monday!!! (tim and nate from chicago.) i'm going to go see everyone else at scott's house on monday morning and say goodbye. it'll be great.

I still have a lot to do before i leave..... i got some gross looking skirts and the thrift store today though. that was good....at least it's done.

got my prescription for my contacts and i'm picking out my glasses next week! finally...i'm "normal" as far as my eyes go.

when i think about how long i'm really gonna be gone, i kinda freak out.

i got some cute new underwear tonight with my mom.

my mom is crazy! i know where i get it from....haha.

i wish i knew how to put pictures on this thing....i wish i even knew how to print them at costco! the whole digital things i hard for me....i'm too slow.

i'm kinda bored tonight....maybe i'll just go to bed.

gym in the morning, bank, sarah's personal shower, cousin's baby shower in del mar.....
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