Meme Tiem!
01. Comment to this entry saying 'ICONS!' and I will pick 6 of your icons.
02. Make an entry in your own journal and talk about the icons I picked!
airings gave me these:
01) Pierluigi Collina - ONE TRUE REFEREE
I still miss Uncle Fester Collina so fucking much. He was a true HBIC. No one messed with him! Best referee ever!
02) Peter - his future sexiness
Present!Peter is a complete douche, but then they went to the future and showed us this darker, scarred Peter, my ovaries all but exploded.
03) Voldie/Vader - Dark Lords
At one point in time I became sort of intrigued in a badass crossover in which Darth Vader and Voldemort would meet up and compare notes on evil badassness.
04) Pep - Yes Pep Can!
With the Treble with Barcelona in his first year in charge? YES PEP CAN! 'nuff said :D
05) Blair - Grace Kelly
"I am Grace Kelly, Grace Kelly is me" Blair and her old Hollywood heroines and trying to be just like them, but failing most of the time. So much love.
06) Adam - Stop in the name of
Stop in the name of Adam, dammit! I'm still fucking pissed off at what they did to Adam in S3. He's my favourite heroes character and without Adam, I didn't feel like watching anymore. Hmpf. But ngggggggh, David Anders.
Comment please? I want to nose through you guys' icons! :D