Back from my self-imposed internet exhile. Kinda didn't feel like being online this weekend. How odd. Even though I have a million things to do.
Friday I had to sign my temp contract with Barclays, I had to fill out 25 pages, bloody hell! Took me about 1,5 hours to complete xD
My Pink Floyd and Tigger posters FINALLY arrived this morning, although they're somewhat damaged :( Useless Royal Mail. My room's nearing completeness now, will take pics when it's ready. *nods*
Went out for drinks with Ellen and Nikki last night, first met up with my soon to be ex-colleagues and after that we did about 15 shots each in our favourite drinking place; BaaBar :D Ate greasy chips and chicken and chattered with some tranies before going home by cab.
Went to the Trafford Centre today, bought even more dvds. I am beyond help. We need to watch approximately 37394793947 series and movies between the three of us. We're never going to get through them all!
On to the footie :)
Mah baaabies finally won again! MY SJUUL SCORED THE WINNER <3333 We is not going to relegate now, yaaay. And Van Gaal wanted to quit but the players were all "Oh noes! We will prove that we are worthy enough to have you as a coach!" Which is kinda lovely and I hope they will pick themselves up a little and at least finish the remainder of the season with wins.
Gah, Cris' goal killed me. Absolutely brilliant and cheeky, ilhimsomuch. Three assists for Roo and Carlos as well. World Player of the Year, anyone? It's not like there's any other contenders currently. Looking forward to the Roma game on tuesday.