
Jul 15, 2007 13:58

¤ I'm currently working on three different icon batches at the same time, because I can't seem to commit to just doing one after the other! There's the Phuck attack challenge, Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords and a random one with famous people, other sports and stuff. Hmmm.

¤ MTW hasn't been updated in forever again. Le sigh.

¤ Add meee if you have one of the following:

  • My Space Account
  • Hyves Account
  • Vox Account
  • Account

    ¤ I'm worried that I might not get my driving licence before I'll move to Manchester. The waiting time for driving exams is SIX MONTHS. *freaks out* My driving is getting better and better though! I can park in reverse now, yay.

    ¤ Can someone please force me to do my English homework? I've only done three chapters so far. Not good.

    ¤ Everyone should have a Colin Firth movie night once in a while! Watched Hope Springs yesterday, followed by Pride & Prejudice because I.Can't.Get.Enough. P&P also needs to be iconized. Perhaps I should combine that with Jane Eyre, Mansfield Park and Sense & Sensibility. Yesh.

    ¤ AAHH I HAVE SO MUCH TO DO. Sometimes I wish I'd have better organisation skills.

    ¤ London in three days!

    ¤ I need to renew my icon spaces. Lately I feel like I don't seem to have the proper icons to go with my entries!
  • personal: driving, icons: babbles, personal: holidays, my sites

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