Title: Imperfections of A Fallen Angel
Pairing: Eeteuk-centric, Eeteuk / Eeteuk
Summary: Eeteuk was just too tired, so he locked himself in the bathroom.
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG - 13 [Swearing.]
Author's Note: I have a problem. I have this urge to kill all the band leaders with depression... First, it was Yunho. Here comes Eeteuk's. So, anyway. Yay~! I'm back to my current obsession and fandom: Super Junior~!! Yey. I missed this. XDDD I like switching fandoms. XDDD So, anyway. Teukie fans... I apologize~!!! I kinda made him an alter ego... I made him a snob and devilish. ^^; Gomen, ne?? Please don't kill me........ *runs off to hide.*
Thanks to my kind
sboizi onee-chan. XDD She ran through this and made this more touching than how I wrote it. I'm thinking of making a permanent link of her LJ account on my links list. XDDDD
*Will be locked in a week. :D