Work, work, work

Apr 25, 2007 10:12

I love this school, and I love this city, and I love my friends here, but... I am completely burned out. Classes end on Monday (and I don't have any Friday classes), so I only have three more days of class left, but I really can't bring myself to do any more work. The bad part about all of this? I have a composition final due tomorrow (haven't started... whoops), an ear training final on Monday, a final critique for architecture on Tuesday (which means no sleep Monday night), a 15 page paper for my urban studies class due pretty soon, and a physics final that will completely determine my final grade for the class. And then once all of this work is done and I get to go home, I have to come right back to the city to perform in a concert, and then do the same thing two weeks later. BAHHHHHH.

I just have to concentrate on the fact that a week from now, most of my papers and exams will be done and turned in. Until then, I just have to make myself work.
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