Aug 25, 2005 15:17
i have the hardest time keeping up with this thing as you can tell, i am sure it's because laura and i spend all our time pretty much together so by the time she writes what she has to say i just don't see any point in it. maybe if i start spilling my inner emotions into this thing it would be easier to come up with some topics. we will see how that goes one of these days perhaps.
as for now i will just talk about whats been going on in life. i started going to classes and they seem like they are going to be great this semester. i am going to have all kinds of free time, although i dont know if thats a good or a bad thing. quite honestly i have lost all kinds of self control that i once had. people say lets go do this or that, or lets go drink and i cave. i cant say that i havent enjoyed it though. i have met tons of cool people recently and that always makes me happy.
other than that i theres really not too much going is a little less dramatic than it has been in the past, and i thank god for that because i absolutely hate it. theres been a couple of times in the past week or two when i thought i was going to lose my mind. last weekend this person that i used to be friends with shows up at my front door and i was speechless. then he proceeds to make me cry and then tell me all kinds of bullshit, as usual and i just cant figure out why i can't hate this guy. it would be so much easier if i could, maybe it's just not in my nature. i don't know but either way he has manipulated me and others too many times for me to trust him anymore or even talk to him.
on the bright side, today is a good day....well every day is good to me so i am gonna read some humanities and from there who knows.....