
Oct 14, 2006 01:04

Which Website are You?

Which Programming Language are You?

I like the clothes.

Your halloween costume? (girls only)

bat girl
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What Trigun Character Are You ??? ( Nice Pic's)

Your Vash The Stampede - youre a great person you always think of everyone before yourself you hate to see other people in pain youre fast at thinking of ways to stop people from fighting you hate fighting but if its a last repost youll do anything And for some reason you like Platypusess lol
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Ok what I never got about Trigun is that there is this black cat there. I mean the cat is cool and everything and no matter where they go there's the cat, even though they don't bring it along. So WHERE DOES THE FUCKING CAT COME FROM!???

Or is that just me?

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