Is this Passive Aggressive?

Jun 28, 2007 18:26

I had a dr. appt today with a new OB/GYNdoctor (long story, yet not the point of this post and nothing newsworthy, it's just girl stuff). I'm sitting in the room and I notice it's pretty warm. Not like super hot, but probably above 75, which for my narrow threshhold for temperature tolerance is too high.

The doctor comes in, she's nice enough, blah blah talking to me about test results and what they mean if this was factored in or that or whatever and how I'll need to come back to retest and I realize that the heat is getting to me enough that my damn headache is moving up to defcon 7 and climbing and I'm getting nauseous (but my BP is OK 118/63 or something like that, Dr. Liz). So I stop her and say, something like "May I get a cup of water because I'm nauseous because of my headaches (that I have listed on my medical info sheet) and it's warm in here and not making it better." I was just going to take my compazine and feel better so I could pay attention to what she was saying and not paying attention to my stomach that wants me to heave. She says, "no worries, that's all I have to say until we redo the test in six months." Whew. OK.

Here's the part that I think was passive aggressive. We walk out so she can give my paperwork to the admin staff and she says loudly, "we need to do something about the air! It's unbearable! Get on the phone to get this fixed! It's making my pregnant patients..." and looks to me "not pregnant patients want to throw up!" I was so embarrassed. Not about the pregnant/not pregnant part but that she did that to her staff in front of me just because I wanted some water. Fortunately, her staff mostly ignored her and didn't give me hateful looks. One helpfully asked, "maybe we should get some fans since we've already called them to fix the air." Like the doctor gave a shit about that input!

passive aggressive, dr., headache

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