Songs to drive to and other miscellany

Jul 20, 2006 23:31

I'm driving home tonight after a bit of socializing with hugeboozehound and crew and what do I hear? "Hells Bells" AC/DC! Woo! Love that song--heck, I love that band!

I need to start writing again. I've got a lot of ideas in my head, but lack the discipline to actually get it down on paper. Bleah. Need a laptop and a bigger place so I can set up a creative/art/crafts/pet area to help me get in that creative zone.

Molly--who had three tumors removed last Friday and whom I was worried about the past few days because she keeps filling up with fluid around one of her stitches area--is fine, though she's lonely since I have her in a cage by herself (so the others don't chew her stitches). Last night when I finally was able to drain her, she started pulling at her stitches, which put me in a tizzy as I ran about trying to fashion a collar for her so she'd stop. I made a collar, but she freaked out and the other rats tried to chew it off of her. I had it on her through the night, but collars impede their ability to eat, so I took it off this morning and hoped she would sleep most of the day and forget she has stitches. Rats are notorious for not tolerating anything foreign on their bodies--or yours*--so they pretty much can obsess over stitches. Females are even more neurotic about it, and my lil Black Molly is even more so. She's not called our little OCD girl for nothing, but so far she's OK. Yay! She's such a cutie.

* if you have a bandage on your person and a ratty sees it, s/he will attack that bandage as if it is the foulest beast ever and work very hard to remove it from your person STAT! It's really cute, except they can be a little too eager to attack the bandage and their little (but very sharp) teeth go beyond the boundary of the bandage.

Tonight when we went to the Morrocan restaurant, a couple was there with their dobie. Wow! He was tall for a doberman. His ears were puppy style though the lady told me his ears had been docked. I'm of the school that says tails and ears shouldn't be docked anyway, so I loved it. He was SUCH a sweet dobie. I love going places and meeting doggies. :)

rats, writing, animals, music

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