Voting, Physical Therapy, Rat Musings

Nov 04, 2008 17:18

Went to do my physical therapy then went to vote. I put my boot on just in case the line was long and they weren't going to let me sit. I was able to park in handicapped, which was nice, because my voting place is a school where the parking lot is up on a hill and you have to walk down stairs to get to the actual school. As I was crutching it to the gymnasium, a nice man told me I could have driven up to the central area and volunteers would have brought a ballot out to me. Really though, I'm so glad not to be stuck at home I didn't mind the excursion so I kept going. There wasn't a line and I had a choice between using the electronic machine or filling out a ballot and putting it in the scanning machine myself. I chose the latter.

I have to find another PT place as my insurance changed and Commonwealth (which I really like) won't take United unless my doctor is one of their doctors. Sigh. So I have to research other PT places to see if they take United. This means I'll lose all my good appointment times and be stuck on the "wherever we can put you" list, which is a real bitch when trying to also make it in to work.

I lost Ginger two weeks ago, Tria on Friday, Zon on Saturday. I'm now down to two rats, Mia and Sylvan. Mia is bereft and depressed because she's all alone for the first time in her short little life. She also has another tumor that I need to decide if I want to operate or not. She's starting to lose hair, which means she's old anyway so I don't think I'm gonna put her through the stress of another surgery.

I may neuter Sylvan as he's still a little pushy with other rats, which is why he was living solo despite me having other boys, and he's taken to being kinda pushy with me, which is not allowed. This may make it easier for me to adopt other females so he can live with them. I dunno. Females always get tumors, which is either expensive to operate on or heartbreaking when they die from them. I'm not gonna rush out and buy any petstore ratties, but am just keeping my eyes open for any shelter/rescue ratties--take a passive approach, at least until December, if I can help it.

Oh, and I hate winter and I hate being cold. BLAH!

election, broken leg, pets, voting, ginger, rats, sylvan, zon, mia, tria

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