Bye Bye, Darth Boot

Oct 29, 2008 01:37

I had my nine-week follow up Tuesday 10/28. The Xrays looked good; we could see definite difference from three weeks ago. As a result, the doc said I could go ahead and start partial weight bearing, which was good because I'd already been doing that for the past three-four days; ha! He said no to the paintball on Saturday though, darn it.

I don't need to wear the boot (unless I get tired) because I'll be walking on my leg and keeping my foot at the 90 deg angle. All my left shoes are very happy they won't be neglected any more. As the weeks progress toward my next appointment/xray (six weeks from now at the fifteen-week mark), I will hopefully work toward using a cane rather than the two crutches. Even better would be to only take the crutches with me for back up when I get tired on longer walks/days.

I'm so very happy I got the go-ahead at the nine-week mark rather than the twelve-week mark. Three weeks is a huge difference--nearly a month! I believe that physical therapy and doing my exercises at home will make my recovery faster or at least make my leg stronger so it lowers my risk of a re-break in the future.

In other news, I'm having fun in Warhammer. I especially like that I can join PVP scenarios no matter where I'm at and that I get decent experience killing other players. Hee! I even managed to get the most killing shots in one scenario. One day I'll figure out how to read the chart that comes up after each scenario. I got to participate in taking over a keep in an open RVR/battleground on Saturday, so that was fun, though it took a couple of hours to accomplish.

broken leg, warhammer, gaming

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