Buffy Chatter

Sep 18, 2007 16:39

As I mentioned on milk93rd's LJ, I'm nearly finished with Buffy Season 4 (one more disc to go). I like Riley a lot (because he's hot), but like theantichrist I'm not a fan of the Initiative or even the Big Bad, Adam. He's lame.

I'm loving Spike, of course. From the mention of the Big Bad just before the Initiative captures him to his expressions when Faith-Buffy talked dirty to him, he's just awesome. And of course, Willow broke my heart every time she cried and Oz--why did you have to leave!

I like listening to the commentaries too if Joss or one of the actors is commenting. The episode where Willow catches Oz with Veruca has Seth Green and Joss commenting, Joss talked about how when Willow was done with the crying scene just before Oz leaves, everyone was suckered in with her big watery eyes and were asking her if she was OK when she walked out of the scene. She replied, "It's called acting!" Well, it's good acting when you get your own crew wanting to comfort you.

So many great lines; I wish I could remember them all. I think this one is in the first episode of Season 3 when Buffy was in LA and gets sucked into that underworld where time moves more slowly. The demonboss says, "this is what happens when you rebel--Augh!" And he falls away with an axe in his back and there's Buffy, looking all tough. Classic!


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