Macro Photography

Apr 13, 2019 19:41

Today I was on a Macro Photography course run by Jessops and I learned a lot! Here are three images that I'm quite pleased with, considering I'm still a learner!

This is my favourite of the photos. I've resized it, but that's all. I might play with light levels at some point, but otherwise I'm reasonably happy with this photo.

I think the composition could have been a little better, though I don't think it's terrible! Again, all I did was resize the image.

This one is an attempt at reflection. It's not too bad, though the middle of the fake flower is blurry and I had to remove some unwanted light effects (mainly from the left hand side) in Photoshop. Still, I thought it was worth sharing.

Hopefully the more I practise, the better I'll get! :D

Though I need to get some equipment (tripod and lights) before I can get really good shots at home.

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