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Comments 14

kanarek13 August 5 2016, 22:24:12 UTC
Rofl, these are all epic, LOLOL... especially the puss in boots one, lol :D

Oh, I have one to show you:




leesa_perrie August 5 2016, 22:27:39 UTC
How could anyone ever be mad at the puss in boots kitteh? Or possibly ever say no?!! :D :D

And lol, that gif is excellent!! :D :D


laurose8 August 6 2016, 00:51:20 UTC
These are all so gorgeous! If I had to pick a favourite, it would be the last, but they all deserve a medal.

Thank you.


leesa_perrie August 6 2016, 12:15:51 UTC
Gold medals for the lol olympics!! :D


stargatesg1971 August 6 2016, 06:42:13 UTC
LOL, what a great collection! Too many goods ones to be able to dwindle it down and select a favourite. :D


leesa_perrie August 6 2016, 12:16:30 UTC
Glad you liked them! :D


pipilj August 6 2016, 08:07:46 UTC

lol these are grest. Especially love the puss in boots and the clogged sink. The contemplative cat is also cute so much to ponder about


leesa_perrie August 6 2016, 12:17:37 UTC
Now that's a clogged sink I could live with, lol!! :D


spikesgirl58 August 6 2016, 12:09:35 UTC
Those are so great! The first one is way too on the mark for me. I could never work from home for that very reason! :D


leesa_perrie August 6 2016, 12:18:30 UTC
Cats are not good for the workplace! Well, not if you want to get any work done, that is! :D :D


spikesgirl58 August 6 2016, 18:18:59 UTC
They are a bit of a challenge at home, too. :D


leesa_perrie August 6 2016, 19:04:51 UTC
:D :D :D


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