Fandom meme

Jun 19, 2016 18:27

Snagged from aragarna (as if I really need a meme in my life right now, but sometimes I just can't resist)! :D :D

Give me two characters with:

1. “vs.” for who I think would win a fight
2. “or” for who I like better
3. “+” for how I ship them (platonic, familial, romantic, not at all)

And I’ll give you my reasons for why!Obviously, as a non-shipper, you ( Read more... )

tv show, meme

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stargatesg1971 June 22 2016, 17:00:40 UTC
Felicity vs Cisco
Peggy or Beckett
Happy + Toby


leesa_perrie June 23 2016, 14:19:09 UTC
Felicity vs Cisco
LOL! Hmm.... I think it would be close, but Felicity would get the upper hand - whether that's a physical fight or computer hacking!! Though I'm not sure Felicity could make those costumes!

Peggy or Beckett
Which Beckett? Carson or Kate? That's the trouble when you've got SGA and Castle in the same list!!

Happy + Toby
I think they're good for each other, but yeah, so many insecurities on Happy's side, and Toby's gambling could be a problem. Still, I think they could make it as a couple - they are kinda sweet together!


stargatesg1971 June 26 2016, 08:59:57 UTC
LOL about the costumes. :D

Ah, didn't think of Carson. *face palm* I meant Kate when I paired them but would love to hear your thoughts on both now.

I like these two and sweet sums them up nicely.

I notice I missed your birthday yesterday. I hope you had a great day and got to spend some quality time with family and friends. Belated Happy Birthday, Leesa!


leesa_perrie June 26 2016, 12:44:11 UTC
I had a lovely birthday, thank you!!

Peggy or Kate Beckett
I do like Beckett in Castle, a lot, but I think Peggy has the edge here. Whilst both of them are smart and able to kick ass, Peggy is just so much more fun, and I do love her humour, it's exactly my sort of thing!

Peggy or Carson Beckett
Sorry Peggy, but Carson in the one for me here. I'm not sure if I can explain why, exactly, just that I love him more than Peggy. Perhaps it's that Scottish accent? Or his ability to handle Rodney! Or that dreaded penlight, lol! :D


stargatesg1971 June 26 2016, 14:22:47 UTC
I'm glad you had a good birthday.

I would have picked Peggy over both characters myself, then Carson and lastly Kate. :D

Thanks for sharing your views.


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