Fandom meme

Jun 19, 2016 18:27

Snagged from aragarna (as if I really need a meme in my life right now, but sometimes I just can't resist)! :D :D

Give me two characters with:

1. “vs.” for who I think would win a fight
2. “or” for who I like better
3. “+” for how I ship them (platonic, familial, romantic, not at all)

And I’ll give you my reasons for why!Obviously, as a non-shipper, you ( Read more... )

tv show, meme

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leesa_perrie June 20 2016, 11:03:43 UTC
Jim Ellison vs John Sheppard
Hmm, you know, I'm not sure! Possibly John, if guns don't come into it and he's got some bantos rods available!! But then again, Jim must have some hand to hand combat training... I think I'm going for a tie!

Neal Caffrey or Daniel Jackson
I love Daniel, he's my fav SG1 character (with Sam a close second) and he has some great banter at times. I should choose him, because I love the geeks, but atm my heart belongs to the charming conman and thief that is Neal!

Rodney Mckay + Elizabeth Weir
I've always seen their relationship as friendship. Yes, she's also his boss, which I'm sure is a challenge, to say the least (!), but I do think they like each other. She seems to know how to handle him, often without him realising he's being handled, and he seems to respect her.

I remember at the end of Tao of Rodney, he teases her about saying she loved him (when he was dying, and she was saying he was loved, as in by many, not just her)! I know some fans take that as a romantic interest, but to me it's just one friend teasing another!! :)


sallymn June 21 2016, 04:32:39 UTC
I'm with you on 1 and 3... after dithering, I think Daniel juuuust wins...


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