Fanfic Titles Meme

Mar 01, 2016 22:42

Hmm, I was wandering around the files on my computer and found this meme that's been hanging around for awhile. I'm not sure why I didn't share it, seeing as I'd pretty much answered the questions! Anyway, apparently I saw it on aragarna's LJ, quite possibly some time last year (or early this)!

The titles range over three fandoms: The Sentinel (TS), Stargate Atlantis (SGA) and White Collar (WC).

Came part and parcel with the idea for the story:
A Bird in the Nest (TS). It's about a bird. In a nest.

Panic stations! The fic is ready to post/I have to post this tomorrow and I don't have a title:
Not the Day He Had Planned (WC). I had to call it something and this, a temporary title, seemed good enough to use!

Possibly Dalna (SGA), because it's named after the aliens in the fic, but I've never been sure if that intrigued the readers so much they had to read it, or meant so little that it failed to attract people. *shrugs*

Loaners (suggested by my beta reader/my mum/some guy I accosted on the street/the cat):
I honestly can't remember which titles are all mine and which were suggestions, sorry, though I'm sure some have come from Jayne Perry and other people. *memory fail*

Title that makes me glee like an idiot:
The Con Who Came in From the Cold (WC). I don't know why, but I really like this title!

The Agony of De Feet (TS). Enough said.

One worders that don't suck:
Crash (TS).

Best attempt to break AO3's character limit:
Food, Presents, Good Company; An Atlantis Christmas Day
Five Things Rodney Learned (while held against his will).

Working title alternatives and 'You can't call it that's:
Again, I have memory fail for published fics, though Not the Day He Had Planned (WC) was referred to as 'the Christmas fic' for a while. Oh, and The Past That Haunts Us (WC/SGA), although having that title from the start, was nicknamed 'The Monster Fic' due to the fact that it kept on growing and growing (other long fics before this have been called that too)!! I know I have some abandoned fics that have temporary titles such as 'ApocaFic', ' S2 AU', 'Running from Team' and 'Beach Fic'. None of those would have been the actual titles!

What does it meeeaaan?:
Dalna (SGA) (see LordKingBadTitle above) or possibly Dialogue with an Owl (SGA). The title only makes sense when you've read the fic. Well, hopefully makes sense! :)

Literary Allusions/Song titles:
There are others that could probably fit into this section, but I'll keep it to just four fics.
Hunting the Snark (SGA). Title comes from the Lewis Carroll poem 'The Hunting of the Snark'.
It’s Raining, It’s Pouring (SGA). Title from an old nursery rhyme.
What are We, Mice or Men? (SGA). Title from the book 'Mice and Men', a common quote from it.
Ask No Questions, Take No Side (SGA). Title from the song ‘Friends Never Say Goodbye’, written by Tim Rice and sung by Elton John.

EDIT: Just remembered that my favourite title, 'The Con Who Came in from the Cold', was inspired by a book called 'The Cat Who Came in from the Cold'. I'd forgotten that when I wrote the meme, it should have appeared in the section above!

fanfiction, stargate atlantis, the sentinel, white collar, meme

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