
Feb 20, 2016 22:33

Does anyone know if there are any transcripts for White Collar? I found a few S1 transcripts and a S2 one some time ago, on a site that's gone now sadly, but that's all I've been able to find. The episode I'm most wanting is 'Pulling Strings', as I want some quotes for artwork and don't want to have to watch/skip through the episode unless I have to.

It might be that no transcripts exist, which is sad but understandable as transcripting is hard work. Or it might be that I've not hit on the correct search criteria or am looking in all the wrong places!

No worries if not. I'll just have to find time to go to the scenes I want and do it the hard way - or rethink the artwork.

Oh, and if anyone wants the few transcripts I found way back when, PM me.

EDIT: Thanks for the suggestions, I've found what I wanted now. Though I'm always open to more site recs! :D

questions, transcripts, white collar

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