Day Twenty-eight

Jun 06, 2014 11:51

Day 28 - a photo of something/one special to you
I decided to share a couple of photos I took of my pet rabbit, Bright Eyes, way back in the early 80's. This way no one (hubby for instance) will murder me! LOL!

Click images for larger size.

This first photo was taken sometime in 1981 (when I was either 10 or 11 - depending on whether it was before or after my birthday - and using an old camera, hence the, erm, 'quality'!). I bribed him to stay still long enough for me to snap a pic with a dandelion leaf, which he is eating. He'd do almost anything for a dandelion leaf!

This second photo was taken sometime in 1982 (when I was 11 or 12). Bright Eyes like to chill in the rhubarb patch!

In case anyone is wondering, he was a Californian Giant and I loved him very much!

And yes, he was named after that song from Watership Down. And if, like me, you now have that song stuck in your head, no need to thank me, it was a pleasure to share! :D :D

This entry was originally posted at

photos, rabbits, meme

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