White Collar Icontest

May 08, 2013 23:02

I've taken over at whitecollaric after the previous owner had to step down. If you want to make White Collar icons as part of a fortnightly challenge, then check out the comm!

Current challenge is for the episode 4x06 and can be found here.

I'm still running both the White Collar art challenge (wc_artchallenge) and The Sentinel icontest (ts_icontest) as well, hence why the challenges are fortnightly and not weekly!!

If you're interested, the current challenge on the White Collar art comm is for picspams and can be found here, and on The Sentinel icontest, we're in voting here.

Okay, that's all my comms news for now! Feel free to spread the word that whitecollaric is back up and running!

icons, icons: white collar, picspam, white collar, lj community, icons: the sentinel

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