Bingo Card for tvholics

Nov 04, 2012 20:42

I was given a bingo card of TV tropes for a challenge on tvholics - you were allowed to change up to two squares and I have taken full advantage of that!! Trope explanations and examples (where used) are from this TV Tropes site.

Funny Moments (SGA)
Scenes that were just flat-out hilarious

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Genre Savvy (SGA)
There are two finely-distinguished varieties of genre savvy. The first comes from being familiar with fiction. The other kind comes from being a character in some sort of serial fiction, and having a good memory.
Example: On Stargate Atlantis, when trapped in a room with a pregnant woman, Sheppard informs her that she's probably going to go into labor because that's what always happens in movies.

Badass Grandpa (SG1, SGA)
When the chips are down, and even The Hero looks like he's in need of assistance, it's time for the Badass Grandpa to step up and throw down, proving that age has done nothing to quell their ability to take down Big Bads literally decades their juniors.

Aged John

Genki Girl (Warehouse 13)
"Genki" is Japanese for energetic or enthusiastic.
Example: Claudia Donovan

Bittersweet Ending (SG1)
Example: An episode of Stargate SG-1 where the heroes manages to free a group of Unas from slavery, only to realize that they have inadvertantly started a civil war.


Heroic Sacrifice (SGA)
A character does something incredibly brave and is killed, maimed, or otherwise irrevocably harmed doing it.

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The Man Behind the Man
Example: For the first season and a half of White Collar, it seemed that Garrett Fowler was the man running things. Halfway through the second season, in Point Blank, Fowler reveals he's being blackmailed by Neal's old boss, Vincent Adler.

Garrett Fowler
Vincent Adler

Took a Level in Badass (SGA)
So you're flipping channels looking for something to watch and you come across a battle scene in a familiar show. One character in particular is making a very good showing, doing at least as much as the main character to save the day. But who is this mysterious person in the Badass Longcoat? Did you miss the episode where they were introduced? Why the nagging feeling of familiarity? And then it hits - you know this kid. It's just that last time you saw them, he/she was a nebbishy wisecracker with the constitution of a glass-jawed squirrel. What happened to transform them so completely? Simple: last time they leveled up, they took a level in badass.

Click on image for full size picspam.

Moral Event Horizon (SGA)
Named for the boundary around a black hole from which there is no escape once crossed, this trope uses the black hole as a metaphor for evil; the Moral Event Horizon refers to the first evil deed to prove a particular character to be irredeemably evil.
I chose Kolya because in the first episode that we see him, he shoots two military personnel who could have been subdued easily. Even one of his people (Sora) thought that killing them was unnecessary.

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stargate sg1, picspam, white collar, sga artwork, icons: sg1, warehouse 13, rodney mckay, icons, icons: white collar, stargate atlantis, jennifer keller, tvholics landcomm, icons: sga, john sheppard, daniel jackson

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