SGA Fic - Refuge

Dec 03, 2011 20:51

It's done!! I can't believe it, it's actually finished and posted!!! The fic that Jayne and I have been working on for two or more years (and that's been in my WIP folder for far longer)!!!!

I have to thank jayne_perry for jumping in and kicking me encouraging me whilst also writing scenes and editing and writing more scenes and, you know, generally rescuing the fic from WIP-land!!!

I also wish to thank wildcat88 for her sterling efforts at beta reading this fic, not just once, but twice!! Her advice and comments were excellent and have made this fic better than it was. That said, any remaining mistakes or weak plot points are solely down to me and the fact that I needed to get this finished ASAP for my own sanity's sake!

Title: Refuge
Authors: Leesa Perrie and Jayne Perry
Word Count: 22,396
Rating: PG to PG13
Genre: Gen. AU. Angst. H/C. Friendship.
Warning: Death of a wild feline (sorry, arnie1967 - I can email you a doctored copy if you'd like). Also, mention of claustrophobic feelings.
Summary: This time it isn't John who gets stranded in a time dilation field!

Where to find it (as it's a bit big to post on LJ easily and I'm feeling lazy!):
On My Website
On Wraithbait
On Fanfiction.Net

I hope you enjoy it!!

fanfiction, sga fanfic, carson beckett, elizabeth weir, rodney mckay, stargate atlantis, ronon dex, radek zelenka, john sheppard, teyla emmagan

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