5 Top Characters

Aug 22, 2011 20:38

These were made for a challenge on landofart to choose your top 5 characters.

After much thinking, I've finally decided on my top 5 characters from various TV shows - but these are subject to change depending on mood, what I've watched most recently and, of course, that well known womanly perogative!! :D

#1 Rodney McKay (don't faint!!! *g*)
#2 Blair Sandburg
#3 H M Murdock
#4 Illya Kuryakin
#5 Seamus Harper

#1 Rodney McKay - Stargate Atlantis

1024 x 768 / 1280 x 960

#2 Blair Sandburg - The Sentinel

#3 H M Murdock - The A Team (80's TV show)

#4 Illya Kuryakin - The Man from UNCLE

#5 Seamus Harper - Andromeda

As usual, if you take please credit where possible, a comment here would be lovely and no hotlinking, thanks!!

andromeda, rodney mckay, stargate atlantis, the a team, the sentinel, the man from uncle, sga artwork

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