stargateland recruitment post

Aug 08, 2011 12:15

There are three teams - Team SG1, Team Atlantis and Team Universe. The name of your team does NOT reflect the content of your work!! There are team members on Team SG1 and Team Universe who make graphics, write fic etc for Stargate Atlantis, and people in Team Atlantis that prefer to make things for SG1 and/or SGU!!

You do not have to take part in every challenge either - so if you don't write, don't do the writing challenges, if you don't make graphics don't join in those challenges, if you don't like puzzles (or only certain types of puzzles) then don't do those!!! (I don't do Sudoku puzzles, can't stand them!) I wasn't sure I'd like stargateland, but gave it a go - and now I love it!!

stargateland, lj community

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