14 Stargate icons - SGA & SGU

Jun 01, 2011 21:18

More icons for that challenge on stargateland - this time for Day Four and Day Five's prompts!

As usual, please credit if you take, a comment here would be nice, and no hotlinking - thanks!


Day Four
07- SGA, Lorne, the city is a canvas

30- SGA, Rodney McKay & or / Elizabeth Weir, translation

33- SGA, Rodney McKay, worry

37- SGA, Rodney McKay, blue

40- SGA, John, asleep

44- SGA, Sora, warrior

22- SGU, Chloe Armstrong, higher math

30- SGU, Eli Wallace, it's all about the KINO

Day Five
06- SGA, Elizabeth & or / Sheppard, day off

12- SGA, Rodney McKay, computer

19- SGA, Elizabeth Weir, digital ghost

24- SGA, Corrigan (the anthropologist from 'Suspicion'), fascinating

28- SGA, Evan Lorne & or / Elizabeth Weir, duty

30- SGA, Sam Carter & John Sheppard, allies

samantha carter, icons: sgu, chloe armstrong, stargate universe, elizabeth weir, rodney mckay, icons, stargateland, stargate atlantis, eli wallace, john sheppard, icons: sga

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