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arnie1967 1. What do you see when you are looking out of the window closest to you?
Patio, bird bath (well, plantpot saucer with water in it), bushes, daffodils (in bud, not flower), grass, soil, fence, tree, watering can!
2. Who was the last person coming into your room?
Hubby, this morning, before I was up. Otherwise, me.
3. What is the most predominant colour around you?
Pale peach (wall paint).
4. What is right behind you?
Dining table, chairs, radio/cassette player.
5. What is on today's calendar sheet?
The dining room calendar; lynx having a really good stretch up a tree and a small leopard photo. Kitchen calendar; Eric the Penguin cartoon. Bedroom calendar; Dilbert cartoon. (Yes, we have THREE calendars! Why? 'Cos we like them!)