Fandom Meme

May 19, 2010 19:31

Copycatted from arnie1967.

Choose five series fandoms (no peeking before you choose them), list them, and then answer the questions behind the cut.

1. Stargate: Atlantis

2. The Sentinel

3. The A Team


5. Man from UNCLE

1. Which is your favorite series from your list? And why?
Stargate Atlantis. Rodney McKay - need I say more?!! *bg*

2. If you were to pair two characters from 1 and 4, who would they be?
I'm not a shipper, but if I was... hmmm... Rodney and Abby? Because I think that could be hilarious - if doomed to failure!!

3. What is one thing you'd like to change about 3's plot line?
Hmm, wasn't keen on Frankie in the last season - perhaps rewrite his character?

4. If both main characters of 2 and 5 were falling off a cliff, which one would you save?
Jim Ellison. Sorry Napolean, but it was all about Ilya for me!

5. Which event was the most horrible for you in 1?
That it got cancelled.

6. Which is your least favourite character of 2?

7. What song reminds you of 5?
Um, the Man from UNCLE theme? Sorry, not very original, but I can't think of a song that reminds me of the show!!

8. Of 1, 3, and 5, which is the easiest to think about?
Stargate Atlantis.

9. Are the protagonists of 2 and 4 similar?
Jim and Jethro? Well, they have a military background, if different branches. They're both pretty serious guys and have a keen sense of duty. They both catch criminals. So yeah, a little similar. And yet, also, not!!

ncis, stargate atlantis, the a team, the sentinel, the man from uncle, meme

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