it's 12:24. i just got back from a day at woodbury commons, the upstate shopping extravaganza of premium outlet stores and broken hearts. yeah, not really broken hearts, but i thought that would sound really poetic. speaking of which, LAST NIGHT I WENT TO SEE RENT WITH LINDSEY AND CRAIG. it was my third time seeing it, but we won't talk about that.
so we took the train and walking out of penn, some old man accosted us, talking about the need for toilet paper and bottled water in the city. we ignored him and went to fridays, where it was children's night! and there was this really cute redheaded three year old next to us and it made me feel really maternal in a kind of sick way. we then went on a hunt for sunglasses because that's what craig wanted to buy but then we realized that street vendors sell fake cashmere in the winter, nto sunglasses. and then we waited on an unbelievably long line to get into the theatre because it was a sold-out show.
in the theatre, i sat between lindsey and a gay man. at first, gay man was annoying me because he leaned into my seat and stole my arm rest. however, he started talking about how he knew people in the cast and i drew the conclusion that he probably had tried out for rent and didn't make it. we sang along in a whisper to all the songs and talked about parts of the play well before they actually happened. we were soulmates, and he smelled really good. however, he found better seats during the second act so left me, and that was the end of my soulmate.
yesterday was an alternate universe. literally. i think it started when, at penn, we saw a man who literally looked like craig in 10-15 years. it was scary. lindsey and i both thought it without discussing it at all and it was just creepy. not that craig is creepy. i think you get what i mean. and then in friday's, rachel's dad called me but he had the wrong number and i'd link you all to her livejournal, where she documented my awkward conversation with her father, but i'm fairly sure it's friends only so you wouldn't be able to see anyway. and then we got on the train to come home but couldn't find seats so we walked through seven different cars. when we got to the seventh and were sick of walking, we decided to just settle and stand. in doing so, andrew lott walked up to us! you know when you don't expect to see anybody you know and it seems that much less ordinary when it actually happens? i don't know how to explain it. i give up.
don't hate on my pimples.