okay, so you know that part in the first legally blonde (has anybody even seen the second one!?) when reese is trying to tell her legal partners that she knows the blonde woman is innocent because she's a fitness instructor and when you work out you have a happy hormone and happy people don't kill?
i know you know what i'm talking about. what's that happy hormone? i have that happy hormone. i just did a set of ab pilates that would make you cringe. when i was done, i was a sweaty mess of lisa, yet i didn't stop! twenty-five push ups. okay, twenty. but i did twenty push ups! and suddenly, i was in a great mood.
it's all mental, i know. the same i was just glad to be alive today. something about a combination of the weather and the fact that yesterday i bought more sale items than you could ever believe at bloomingdales. yet half way through the day (today) i remembered how, at this time last year, i wouldn't get through an amazing day before something bad happening and putting me in an awful mood. and so i allowed myself to get upset over something stupid, and by this evening, i was mad.
it's a wonder what winsor pilates can do for your state of mind!
this weeking was relativley good. i saw bye bye birdie twice, and i have to say guys, you were pretty much amazing. i was very impressed at everything. i can recite your lines and dance to your songs, but it was all worth it. especially the post-show events. the first night, natasha came with as we went to sweet hollow diner with the entire fucking cast of the show. i had a plate of fries and a big chocolate chip cookie. sometimes i love being fat.
kat chugged syrup for a hug.
the second night, marissa, ally, jason and i went to coldstone. fatty=me. the best times happen around food.
and today! i drove to nana's! this included going out of village hill, onto vanderbilt until it ended, going onto half hollow road, and into the greens via a gate. i even PARKED. okay, time for you to bow down to me. go ahead, don't be shy. i'm pretty much the worst driver ever. it takes me ten seconds to make one turn, which is a lot if you didn't know. but i'm getting there! in fact, i think i may even be exagerating in my pitifulness, because my mom seems to be quite impressed with my driving skills.
granted, the first time i got behind a wheel i thought:
1)you drive with two feet
2)you do not need to break while changing gears
3)it would be a superb idea to floor the gas as a means of gaining just a bit of speed.
so as you can see, from that point on, i could have only improved.
okay guys, i just felt like rambling. thank you for listening to me. or not listening to me. either way. i'll now leave you with a series of truly great pictures de me dulce sixteen.
note, i could have easily posted three thousand more, but i didn't. love me for that alone.