Jun 28, 2006 23:03
I logged into MySpace today, and was perusing my 'home' page when I noticed the "Cool New People" section. Usually I totally ignore it, but there was a particularly attractive specimen of femininity displayed, who warranted an extra 2 seconds of checking out. This in turn caused me to look at the person displayed next to her. This person happened to be a male of 22 years of age, living in Vermont, whose MySpace name is, I shit you not, "Irish Baby Boy".
It is rather podrace', or so my opinion goes, when chicks wear those "Baby Girl", "Baby Doll", or "Baby Princess Doll" tshirts. Seriously, what gives, usually they are the types of girls that are also wearing a shirt that is much too small, that shows much too much of their bloated bellies, and the whole thing makes me want to guide them to a mirror, and explain what the world thinks of them. Even the semi-attractive ones are not to be excused for wearing such things, because by the time you are 17 years old and have given head to every 2 out of 3 greasy haired sketchballs you've met, you are no longer considered a 'baby'. 'Slut', perhaps, but 'baby', no. But I digress.
Now I want to know what possessed "Irish Baby Boy" (whose name seems to be Steve) to choose that for his MySpace name. Is he trying to flaunt blatant homosexuality? Apparently he has a girlfriend, so this seems not to be the case, unless he is hiding. However, he seems to love New York quite a bit, and I've had some experience with males who claim to be straight, but to which all signs point opposite, who share a similar love for that great city. I would believe that one of homosexual inclinations, even one hiding in the closet, would choose a better looking "New York City" theme than the one this boy chose, which subtracts weight from that argument. In the end, will we ever know?
Not to be a playa hata or anything, just saw that and had to speak my piece. And all the bruthas can pop a cap in me now for saying 'playa hata'.